Ein Wanderfalke wurde vergiftet an der St. Columban`s Cathedral in Lonbdonderry , Nordirland aufgefunden. Er war zu einer "Touristenattraktion" geworden, so der Untersuchungsbeamte. Bei der Kirchengemeinde herrscht fassungsloses Entsetzen:
Daphne Gallick, a tour guide with St Columb’s, said the falcon had become "part of the furniture for quite a number of years".
"Parishioners and local people who liked to watch the falcon are understandably very upset by what has happened."
"He was inter-denominational as he spent time at St Eugene’s Cathedral too.
"He was always a talking point, so he will be missed by all of us."
"We would sometimes see the remains of his breakfast around the front door and his mess,"